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A quick comparison of 3 common mobile menu layouts

A quick comparison of 3 common mobile menu layouts

I have previously shown three simple tactics on how to approach laying out navigation items on mobile. The three different solutions are presented (in context) here:

Let's now compare the three solutions through looking at their pros and cons.

Pros and cons with the three versions

Version Pros Cons
1 - the fully exposed menu The ubiquity of the navigation items helps explain the site's purpose for the first time user beyond being easily reachable at all times. The impression becomes a bit cluttered with seven items competing for the user's focus, especially for a retaining user.
2 - the hybrid menu A calmer impression that's more visually balanced, compared to tactic 1. The user can always follow the status of their shopping bag. The user has to click the menu button to expose some links while some are already present which might be a bit confusing.
3 - the fully hidden menu A very clean solution that puts the brand in complete focus. The user is forced to click the menu button in order to quickly find their way through which will be disliked by the more controlling type users.

Want to go even deeper? Here is an analysis on which solution to use depending on which type of site and business you're running.