1 min read

3 questions that help you identify inefficiencies in your product development process

3 questions that help you identify inefficiencies in your product development process

Do you feel stuck? Like you're running in an endless spiral? That you're never going to get done with your product?

Ask yourself the following questions and untangle yourself from your own mental chains and inefficient way of working:

1. Are you doing things in a smart order?

Is your product development process ideally structured? Are you solving the right problems in the right order?

2. Have you set up clear boundaries for yourself in each part of the process?

When moving from step n to step n+1, do you "let your brain off" (from thinking about step n)? Are you giving your brain the possibility to focus solely on step n+1?

3. Are you working in a cost efficient manner?

Are you solving the right problem with the right method? Are you coding when you should be coding or coding when you should be designing? Are you designing when you should be writing requirements or designing when you should be designing? Are you designing in high fidelity when low fidelity is enough (example: designing user flows in Figma when it could be done much more efficiently with pen and paper)?